Concentrique, a two-person show by Laura Bonnefous and Blandine Soulage, is a poetic dance of color and movement in a global space. Photographed between France, Japan, and Angola, the images in the show reflect the indelibly urban focus of each photographer, both in the ways that they interpret architecture and the people who define its metaphorical landscape. In the series Déviation, Soulage disrupts our spatial understanding, interacting with the environment in strange and playful ways in order to challenge our view of the mundane and open “a poetic breach in reality.” Bodies mold around architecture, becoming sculptural in their own right. Flirting with abstraction, the portraiture of Bonnefous crafts a sensory narrative which prods at the mythologies of our humanity through our relationship with the environment. The work of each photographer suggests non-linear movement, operating outside of our spheres of normalcy to better understand the center of the human experience.


Concentrique will be on view at Koslov Larsen from June 28 – August 24, 2024.